Pistachio is one of the most delicious, nuts and an integral part of nuts, which has many health benefits. Pistachio has been one of the most popular foods since about 7000 BC and today it is roasted, raw, fresh, sliced, pistachio butter, etc., as well as flavoring in chocolates, ice cream, sweets. Used in desserts, pilafs, stews, etc.
The amount of potassium in this important and constant organ of Iranian nuts (with its small size) is equal to the potassium of oranges.
Properties of pistachio green skin
– To strengthen the gums, rub it on the gums or chew.
– To relieve hiccups, brew green pistachio skin and drink a cup of it.
– The best medicine to eliminate bad breath.
– Chewing it heals wounds in the mouth.
– Brewed pistachio green skin eliminates nausea and vomiting.
– Brewed it is useful for diarrhea.
Properties of white pistachio skin
Pistachio white skin is useful for hemorrhoids and anal protrusion. To treat this disease, you should boil the white skin of pistachio in water and pour it into a pan; Then the person with the disease should sit in it for a few minutes. This will relieve the pain and alleviate his illness.
Pistachio oil
Pistachio kernel extract is a clear, yellow oil that has nutritional and therapeutic properties.
Pistachio oil is a desirable moisturizer and is absorbed quickly and does not create a sticky state and is a good option for facial and body massage. Its fatty acids eliminate the effects of surgical wounds, prevent wrinkles around the eyes and face, and most importantly, make the hair transparent. Oral consumption of this oil also has a therapeutic aspect and its phosphorus increases intelligence and memory and its folic acid helps the growth and development of the fetal nervous system.
Side effects of excessive consumption of pistachios
You probably all know the unique properties of pistachios, but you may be interested to know that this delicious nut is harmful to some people and has many side effects. It is good to know that consuming roasted pistachios is much better and safer than other cases.
Pistachio nature
According to traditional medicine, pistachio kernels are hot and dry and are not suitable for hot-tempered people. To relieve its heat and dryness, these people can consume pistachios with vinegar, sour pomegranate or sour apricot leaves.
Pistachios do not naturally contain much sodium, and in fact the amount of sodium in natural pistachios is approximately 0 to 2 mg of sodium per ounce. However, roasted pistachios are high in sodium.
This level of sodium is not bad and in fact our body needs about 1500 mg to 2400 mg of sodium per day because sodium plays an important role in maintaining the body’s electrolyte balance and also helps to transmit nerve impulses to the muscles. Contractions also affect blood pressure.
However, consuming too much sodium is dangerous because it raises blood pressure and also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Causes some digestive problems
The dietary fiber in pistachios makes it very useful for our stomach; Because this plant plays an important role in maintaining the proper movement of our intestines and avoiding constipation, and thus keeps our digestive system healthy.
People who are allergic to fructan should avoid pistachios because it can cause digestive problems such as bloating, diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. Depending on the amount of pistachios consumed, these allergic reactions can be mild or severe.
Possibility of allergic reactions
People who are allergic to nuts (such as almonds, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts, etc.) should avoid eating pistachios because they are likely to be allergic to pistachios as well.
Some common symptoms of nut allergy include red spots on the skin, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, constipation, vomiting, difficulty swallowing, itchy mouth, throat, eyes, skin and other areas of the body, difficulty breathing, nasal congestion and Etc.
In some cases, allergies to nuts can be fatal and cause anaphylactic shock, which is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can cause difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, anesthesia, poor heart rate, etc., and sometimes Sometimes it can even cause death.
Unsuitable for the kidneys
It should be noted that too much potassium is bad for our kidneys, and people with kidney disease should avoid consuming too much potassium in their diet because their kidneys are not very effective in removing excess potassium from their bodies. Slowly
Excess potassium is not only harmful to the kidneys, but can cause nausea, weakness, slow pulse, irregular heartbeat, heart failure, dehydration, type 1 diabetes, Addison’s disease, and internal bleeding. Because of the health risks of consuming large amounts of potassium, it is important for us to make sure that we eat small amounts of pistachios.
Risk of infection with Salmonella
Another bacterium that may infect pistachios and make them harmful to humans is Salmonella. Consumption of pistachios infected with Salmonella bacteria can cause diarrhea and can be fatal for infants, the elderly and people who do not have adequate immunity.
Roasted pistachios have been shown to kill Salmonella bacteria, but only when properly roasted. Otherwise, uninfected pistachios may come in contact with infected pistachios; Become infected.
Increased risk of pesticides and insecticides
In order to protect pistachios from pests and insects, they are often exposed to pesticides and insecticides. These pesticides or insecticides may protect pistachios from pests, but they themselves are harmful to our health, and the consumption of pistachios that are exposed to many pesticides and insecticides may cause vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea. Cause nausea and other allergic reactions. These substances are known to be a potential human carcinogen, which means that they may increase the risk of certain types of cancer.
Increased risk of acrylamide
Roasting pistachios is effective in minimizing the risk of aflatoxins and Salmonella bacteria, but may also lead to the formation of acrylamides. Acrylamide is a potential carcinogen that may increase the risk of cancer in humans, but so far there is insufficient evidence to support a link between roasted pistachio consumption and cancer.
High risk of manganese
Pistachio is a good source of manganese, which is an important nutrient that plays a major role in the formation of joint tissues, calcium absorption, regulation of blood sugar levels, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, proper functioning of the thyroid gland, etc. High levels of manganese are harmful to our health because they can lead to headaches, tremors, loss of appetite, leg cramps, hallucinations and neurological disorders.
Due to the health risks associated with high manganese intake, it is important for us to consume moderate amounts of pistachios. In addition, people suffering from Parkinson’s, hypermanganese, polycythemia and chronic liver disease should avoid eating foods rich in manganese.
The harms of high fiber to the stomach
Dietary fiber in pistachios is good for our stomachs and helps keep our digestive system healthy, but too much dietary fiber is bad for our stomachs and can cause diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramps, malabsorption, intestinal pain and Be irritable bowel syndrome.
Causes blood contamination
Excessive consumption of pistachios increases the amount of nitrogen in the blood and body and therefore causes blood pollution.
Contraindications to pistachios
- Consumption of pistachios is harmful for hot-tempered people because the nature of pistachios is hot and dry.
- Consumption of pistachio due to its warm nature increases the risk of urticaria and skin rashes.
- Pistachio consumption is harmful for people with liver failure and insufficiency.
- Pistachio consumption is not suitable for people with allergies.
- Pistachio consumption is harmful for those who have a weak stomach due to its high fat content and difficult digestion.
- Pistachio consumption is harmful for people with high triglycerides.
- People with diabetes, gout and kidney problems should also avoid pistachios.
Permitted consumption of pistachios during pregnancy
Consumption of salted and roasted pistachios is not suitable for pregnant women, but pregnant women can consume 10-20 raw pistachios per day. Excessive consumption of pistachios leads to maternal obesity and may cause problems such as heartburn, diarrhea or bloating. Pistachio consumption is not recommended for pregnant women who are allergic to nuts because it has negative effects on their fetus.
Is it safe to take pistachios while breastfeeding?
The difference between raw and roasted pistachios
Daily consumption of roasted and salted pistachios increases the risk of developing high blood pressure. Half a cup of salted pistachios leads to 263 to 526 mg of sodium and therefore increases blood pressure, so it is better to eat raw pistachios.